Nix Negative Nancy…..

So… I am thinking about attitudes.  I am thinking about how we have to struggle to keep our heads above water, struggle to remain positive, without being brought down by the so called “Negative Nancys” of the world.

This past week I posted a video on my Facebook page of a mother duck who jumped off of a wooden platform to a pond far below.  After landing in the water she began calling to her little ones to join her.  One by one, twelve ducklings dive bombed to their waiting mother.  The video is priceless.  So adorable.

Well….yesterday I showed that video to a lady I know.  I thought it would put a smile on her face as it did with so many other people I know saw it.  She watched it and then…..well, you will never believe what she said to me.

She said, “That’s cute, but you know that all those ducks are going to be eaten by the turtles in that pond, right?”

Ahhh….no I didn’t know that.  I didn’t think of that.  I didn’t entertain that horrible thought.

I just enjoyed a happy video I came across that made me smile.

But, because of Negative Nancy, last night I went to bed thinking of those cute little ducklings getting eaten by turtles.

There are an awful lot of Negative Nancys in the world aren’t there?  People who just can’t see the positives in anything.  And, unfortunately, they like to spread their negativity to others.  Others who, in a deteriorating world, are grasping at all the happy moments they can.

We have to fight these people that work so hard to bring us down.  We have to limit our time with them, and instead, surround ourselves with positive people.  The people that give us a sense of comfort and support.  The people that uplift us and help us get through our days with a smile on our face.  The people that let us have our happy ducklings swimming carefree in a pond of herbivores.

I am so very thankful for the positive people in my life that weather the day to day struggles with me.  These people that enjoy the simple things in life with me, and help me put the Negative Nancys in perspective.

What a difference a positive attitude can make.


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